Selasa, 31 Maret 2009


soooo, pertama kita lagi talking" about the money
ini ga usah di ceritain yaa hehe
tapi kocak sih kejadiannya
yang tau cukup kita doang deh ya hehe (gue, bita, prila and aya)

pokoknya bita, gue, aya nulis2 di meja gue -_-
meja gue udah kaya apaan
gue cuman blng 'yg ngapus bukan gue ye'
hehehhe.. teruss BELL BUNYI!

oh men! mejanya dirty bgt!
aya sama gue naro semua barang" buat nutupin
tulisannya haha meja gue penuh barang2 gitu!
gue sama aya NGAKAK, bener" NGAKAK di belakang
haha kocak abis!

terusss, tadi di kelas english mr.aziz ngelawak
ga jelas gitu (ga lucu sama sekali err)
terus kan kita belajar eglish, kan advice itu noun
kalo verbnya advise kan...

terus dia blng service itu noun (i know)
and verbnya itu servise? wat the heck?
do ya think so? NOPE!

abis itu kan kita di suruh cari di dictionary gituu
kan yuji nyari, eh eh tau ya ga ada wakaka
salah deh tuh si aziz weeeeeek!

masa, dictonarynya yuji di katain gitu
barang cina lah, ga ini lah bla bla blaaa...
terus dia blng gini nih
kata dia, kalo dia salah, dia ga bakal ngajar lagi
dan berhenti jadi guru!
we hope so, hehehe

terus dia kan punya cambridge dictionary,
kan ada di computernyaaa.
sebelum itu yuji sama mr.aziz berantem dulu
hahaah kocak bgt!

eh eh tiba" dia blng oh mygod!
terus kita pada ketawa ngakak gitu hahaah
ngomongnya kocak gitu, mukanya terkejut gimana gitu (baku bgt)

and then the bell ring

hahaaa mr.aziz salah men! yang bener yuji!!
gu sama aya blng YAELAHHH!
dengan muka ga enak haha

wahahah malu bgt tuh jadi diaa
udah salah ngga nepatin janji lagi
haha mapuss tuh! yang penting malu!

Senin, 30 Maret 2009


hey fellas,

you know what, gue les nari gitu haha modern dancee
kan waktu habis pulang sekolah gue nunggu di rumah ninis,
eh kita kelamaan gitu (okayy gausah detail bgt)
sooo, waktu kita nyampe, ada cewe gitu udah gede hehe

dia senyum mulu sama kita, kayaknya sih ramah hehe
gue sama ninis malu malu gitu waktu mau masuk haha (wajar anak baru)

kitaaa takutt banget, jantung gue dagdigdugder hahah (lebayy)
waktu kelas udah mulai, kitaa akhirnya masuk dehh

WOOAAAA.. udah pada jago jago gituuu dehh
kita yg kaya masih soooooooooo dasar hahaha

waktu mereka di suruh nari, kita kan diem aja ehh
sama kakanya (yg ngajar) malah di suruh ikut

WTF BGT?? kita gatau apa apa mennn!!
yaudah waktu mereka nari, gue sama ninis ikut aja

baru 2 gerakan kita kewalahan or let say kebingungan
and kita ga bisa lanjutin, yg ada kita bengong gitu wahahaha

ehh waktu udh selesai narinya kita ditegur, katanya kita ga oleh diem aja
kita harus aktif gituu... weeeeek! we're a new student duhhh!

kitaa selalu diingetin buat ngikutin mereka, tapi percuma we
dont know! urghh nyebelin soalnya gurunya gamau ulang gituu
jadi kita yg haru ngejar urghhhh!

eh eh tiba2 kita disuruh bikin FREESTYLE!! WHAT THE HECK??
gue sama ninis, bengong sambil melotot gitu hahaha
dan begonya lagi kita malah diem aja, like someone
that dunno wat to do hahahhaa

haha sedangkan yg laen sibuk bikin gerakan hahaha
kita kaya orang bego (maaf nis, tidak bermaksut ngatain)
tau ngga sehhh rasanya kita pengen keluar deh huaaaaaaaaa

okayy waktu pelajaran udah selesai, ada anak nyamperin kita
namanya adina and natasha, mereka doang yg baik, yang lain, boro boroo
mauu huaa sombong gy lain hehe

huh! pr gue sama ninis haru bisa ngikutin mereka
dan bikin freestyle gituu deh hehehe

i think thats all, well ngga complete bgt sih hehe
seee yaaaaaaaa

Minggu, 29 Maret 2009


urghh.. this is a boring day!

actually thiis is sunday and this have to be a fun day!
but, its okay lah, no school haha

i'm just sitting and surfing the net
and i just remembered that, I GOT A HOMEWORK TO DO!!

oh men!! okay i'm going to do my homework first
byeee see yaaaaa


history of money

The use of barter like methods may date back to at least 100,000 years ago. Trading in red ochre is attested in Swaziland, shell jewellery in the form of strung beads also dates back to this period, and had the basic attributes needed of commodity money. To organize production and to distribute goods and services among their populations, before market economies existed, people relied on tradition, top-down command, or community cooperation.

The Shekel referred to an ancient unit of weight and currency. The first usage of the term came from Mesopotamia circa 3000 BC. and referred to a specific mass of barley which related other values in a metric such as silver, bronze, copper etc. A barley/shekel was originally both a unit of currency and a unit of weight.

A 640 BCE one-third staterelectrum coin from Lydia, shown larger.

According to Herodotus, and most modern scholars, the Lydians were the first people to introduce the use of gold and silver coin.[19] It is thought that these first stamped coins were minted around 650-600 BC.[20] A stater coin was made in the stater (trite) denomination. To complement the stater, fractions were made: the trite (third), the hekte (sixth), and so forth in lower denominations.

The name of Croesus of Lydia became synonymous with wealth in antiquity. Sardis was renowned as a beautiful city. Around 550 BC, Croesus contributed money for the construction of the temple of Artemis at Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world.

The first banknotes were used in China in the 7th century, and the first in Europe issued by Stockholms Banco in 1661.

In the Western world, a prevalent term for coin-money has been specie, stemming from Latin in specie "in kind".

" Money is not everything, but everything is money"

hehe maaf agak ga jelas gitu apa yg gue tulis
lagi bosenn sih jadi gini deh hehe

Boring dayy


urghh i love sunday, but this is a boring sunday
cuz i dont go anywhere, duhh stay at HOME!

i want to go to school and meet my fwens

its more intresting rather than staying at home alone
in my bedroom chatting with my friends

i want to meet my friends, but i'm not ready to
study study study eheheh

mmm.. i think i'm going to do my homework
see yaa byeee

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009


Hey guys!
what do you think about


isn't it cool? imagine, all the lights in this

worlds were off? its sounds really intresting

we have to turn off the lights, because we can decrease the global warming (i think)
our ozone is broken and its because of pollution and it couse GLOBAL WARMING




saturday, 28 2009, we have to switch off
our light for one hour from 8.30-9.30


We cant stop global warming
but we can decrease it